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Harpreet Chana
Dec 16, 20204 min read
Pharmacy, Burnout and Me - why are pharmacists prone to burnout?
Us pharmacists are a rare breed! I say this 'tongue-in-cheek' all the time but never has this been more apparent than right now. The...

Harpreet Chana
Dec 13, 20195 min read
The Mental Health Crisis in Community Pharmacy; Less Talk, More Action Needed
I could have predicted what the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's 'Workforce Wellbeing Survey' results revealed this week but it doesn’t...

Harpreet Chana
Jul 9, 20194 min read
Mental Wealth and Self Awareness
I get asked all the time, what exactly is mental wealth?? And the answer is, it encompasses a myriad of things! But today, I want to...
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